ship sink


The story of Titanic, the great ship that was described ‘practically unsinkable’ still intrigues me as much as it breaks my heart each time I hear it and I don’t get tired of seeing the movie. It sends powerful lessons of the frailty of man and all his works across the ages.

The massive British ocean liner met its doom in the early hours of April 15, 1912 when the ‘unsinkable ship’ sank taking over 1500 lives with it down the ocean. The luxury steamship had lavishly constructed interiors, double bottom and about 15 watertight bulkhead compartments that were equipped with electric watertight doors hence the ship seemed like a representation of an infallible technology in human history. Unfortunately, it was not to survive five days after its departure on its maiden voyage. It grazed the side of an iceberg that cut deep in its hull, allowing water to gush into its compartments and in a space of three hours, the great ship was no more to be seen above the waters. How tragic!

The ship can be likened to the life of man.

Overall, the Titanic saga teaches that man, at his best state is altogether but a vapor (Psalm 39:5). A vapor is here this minute and in the next it is no more.

We must pay attention to factors that can sink our ships (our lives) for us to have a successful voyage. A king is not saved by the size of its army, but God. In this post and the next, we shall uncover the causes of the tragedy that occurred on that fateful day and liken them to our own lives.

A Yoruba adage says when a child falls, he gets up and keeps moving, but when an adult falls he gets up and check for the cause of his fall before he moves on. It is necessary to look back to learn from the mistakes of others. What led to the doom of the great ship and what lessons can we derive from this tragedy? What sank the ship? A number of reasons for the destruction of the ship is possible.

SHIP SINKER NO.1 – Negligence

At the onset of the sail a small coal fire was seen at the bunker and it was considered harmless. It smouldered into an uncontrollable fire as the voyage continued and the ship was forced to go at top speed. This speed made it difficult for her to avoid the collision with the iceberg.

Don’t ignore small signs of danger when you see them. Nip problems in the bud before they fester into full-fledged ones. It was reported that a nearby ship had radioed the Titanic about a dense field ice in less than an hour before it hit the iceberg. For some reason, Titanic’s radio operator did not heed the warning.

As a parent, discourage children from habits that may seem harmless but with potentials of affecting their personalities when they grow up. Some parents permit toxic behaviors like cheap lies, petty stealing, vulgar languages, stubbornness and covetousness  in children. They believe the child will outgrow them with time. It may be a fatal mistake.

As Christians, let us throw off every sin that easily entangles (Hebrews 12:1) as we sail through life. Fornication, gossip, dishonesty, coarse jokes, malice, wickedness and the likes are common sins that are often neglected and regarded as inconsequential. A little yeast leavens the entire dough – 1 Corinthians 5: 6-8.  Learn from the Titanic; a little negligence may cost you eternity.

Stay in touch for the second ship sinker in my next post. Don’t hesitate to share with someone.  You can find the Priceless Journal on facebook and twitter.

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Reference: Why did the Titanic Sink? History

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